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Technical occupations related to natural sciences

This sub-major group comprises technical occupations related to natural sciences, including technical occupations in physical sciences and technical occupations in life sciences.

2210 · Technical occupations in physical sciences
6 Jobs

This minor group comprises technical occupations in physical sciences, including chemical technologists and technicians, and geological and mineral technologists and technicians. They are employed by research and development and quality control laboratories; consulting geology and engineering firms, chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, construction, petroleum and mining companies; utilities; in manufacturing and processing industries; and by government, health and educational establishments.

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2211 · Technical occupations in life sciences
11 Jobs

This minor group comprises technical occupations in life sciences, including biological technologists and technicians, agricultural and fish products inspectors, forestry technologists and technicians, conservation and fishery officers, and landscape and horticulture technicians and specialists. They are employed by governments and government agencies; manufacturers of food products, chemicals and pharmaceuticals; biotechnology, resource, utilities, environmental and other consulting companies; health, research, educational and other institutions; forestry and other industries; landscape designers and contractors, lawn service and tree care establishments, golf courses, nurseries and greenhouses; and municipal, provincial and national parks; or they may be self-employed.

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