Career Library

Career Library

Professional occupations in social and community services

This sub-major group comprises professional occupations in social and community services, including social and community service professionals; police investigators and probation officers; and educational and employment counsellors.

4130 · Social and community service professionals
23 Jobs

This minor group comprises social and community service professionals, including social workers; therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies; and religious leaders. They work in private practice; and are employed by mental health, health care and rehabilitation facilities; correctional facilities, community service, social service, and child welfare organizations; school boards and educational institutions; sports organizations; counselling centres, group homes, family therapy centres; employee assistance programs, human resource departments, and employment service organizations; consulting, and other companies; Aboriginal band councils, and federal and provincial governments; government and private research agencies; and churches, synagogues, temples and other places of worship.

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4131 · Police investigators and probation officers
0 Jobs

This minor group comprises police investigators, and probation and parole officers. They are employed by municipal, provincial and federal governments.

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4132 · Educational and employment counsellors
4 Jobs

This minor group comprises educational counsellors and employment counsellors such as career development practitioners and career counsellors. They are employed by public or private employment agencies, rehabilitation centres, hospitals, human resource departments of establishments, consulting firms, correctional facilities, school boards and educational institutions and by municipal, provincial and federal governments.

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