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Physical science professionals

This minor group comprises physical science professionals, including physicists and astronomers, chemists, geoscientists and oceanographers, meteorologists and climatologists, and other professional occupations in physical sciences. They are employed by manufacturing, processing, telecommunications, natural resource, and consulting companies; power utilities; research, development and quality control laboratories; the media; and a wide variety of health, educational, governmental and industrial establishments; or they may be self-employed.

21100 · Physicists and astronomers
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Physicists conduct theoretical and applied research to extend knowledge of natural phenomena and to develop new processes and devices in fields such as electronics, communications, power generation and distribution, aerodynamics, optics and lasers, remote sensing, biotechnology, medicine and health. They are employed by electronic, electrical and aerospace manufacturing companies, telecommunications companies, power utilities, university and government research laboratories, hospitals and by a wide range of other processing, manufacturing, and research and consulting firms. Astronomers conduct observational and theoretical research to extend knowledge of the universe. They are employed by government and universities.

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21101 · Chemists
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Chemists conduct research and analysis in support of industrial operations, product and process development, quality control, environmental control, medical diagnosis and treatment, biotechnology, nanotechnology and other applications. They also conduct theoretical, experimental and applied research into basic chemical and biochemical processes to create or synthesize new products and processes. They are employed in research, development and quality control laboratories; chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries; mineral, metal and pulp and paper industries; and a wide variety of manufacturing, utility, health, educational and government establishments.

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21102 · Geoscientists and oceanographers
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Geoscientists include geologists, geochemists and geophysicists who conduct programs of exploration and research to extend knowledge of the structure, composition and processes of the earth, to locate, identify and extract hydrocarbon, mineral and groundwater resources and to assess and mitigate the effects of development and waste disposal projects on the environment. Oceanographers conduct programs of exploration and research on ocean processes and phenomena, biological, chemical and physical characteristics of oceans, interactions with atmospheric and geological environments and impacts of human activity on oceans and marine ecosystems. Geoscientists are employed by petroleum and mining companies, consulting geology, geophysics and engineering firms and by governments and educational institutions, or they may be self-employed. Oceanographers are employed by governments, educational institutions and private companies engaged in exploration of seafloor deposits and seafarming areas, or they may be self-employed.

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21103 · Meteorologists and climatologists
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Meteorologists and climatologists analyze and forecast weather, provide consultation on atmospheric phenomena and conduct research into the processes and phenomena of weather, climate and atmosphere. They are employed by all levels of government, natural resources and utility companies, the media and private consulting firms, or they may be self-employed.

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21109 · Other professional occupations in physical sciences
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Professionals in other physical sciences occupations conduct theoretical and applied research in fields of physical science. Metallurgists, soil scientists and physical scientists and researchers are included in this unit group. They are employed by governments, educational institutions and a wide range of industrial establishments.

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